Fatih Aydogdu was born in Turkey, lives and works in Vienna and Istanbul. He studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul and graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Aydogdu is visual artist, designer, sound artist and curator, focused on concepts of media aesthetics, migration & politics of Identity and linguistical issues. He took part at numereous exhibitions thr oughout Europe, Asia and USA. He is the member of Curatorial Board of "Amber Platform" Istanbul.

"One of Us", Installation View, SHELTER | MASC Foundation, Vienna, 2018/19
Selected Solo- and Group Shows, Events, Publications, Curatorial Works:
"Internal Affairs" at Roots & Growth – Museum of Islamic and Near Eastern Cultures | Be'er Sheva, Israel | curated byTuce Erel & Sharon Laor-Sirak
"Extended Versions" at PAPER – Pilevneli GalleryIstanbul, curated byYasemin Bay
"Thesis | Antithesis | Prothesis – Changing Paradigms" Serie of Talks at "Borusan Contemporary in Cooperation with amberPlatform, curated by Fatih Aydogdu
"One of US" at SHELTER – MASC Foundation Vienna, curated by Sedef Hatapkapulu
"Thesis | Antithesis | Prothesis – Changing Paradigms" Serie ofTalks at "Borusan Contemporary in Cooperation with amberPlatform, curated by Fatih Aydogdu

[h]arp | [s]harp,object; angels' share | woben instrument, Size:180x75x45 cm, 2017; harp, wool

POLYMETRIC INTERFERENCES, Installation View, Solo Show | Galeri Nev, Ankara, 2017
"C.U.R.R.Y. – codes& colors of spices" at Kunstkebab – U2-Passage- MQ |curated byDeniz Guvensoy & Deniz Beser
"internal affairs" at UTOPIAs – TÜYAP Book Fair, curated by Ekmel Ertan, initiated by Ezgi Bakçay
"[s]harp | unfinished composition" at "Angels' Share", Depo, Istanbul, curated by Deniz Artun
"Polymetric Interferences" Solo Exibithion Galeri Nev Ankara
"disHARMony" at "Sine Qua Non" Ekavart Gallery Istanbul, curated by Döne Otyam

NO NEED, Installation;‘moment.movement | Spray Colors on Glas, Size: each 1x2 meters, installation size is variable, 2016; Photo: eSel Lorenz Seidler

STATE OF ANXIETY, Installation;'When Home Don't Let You Stay| Objects, Photography, Sound, Wordings, Size Variable, 2016
Workshop/Conferance: "Humor & Resistance" with Relais Cultur European Paris, Istanbul TAK
"grammagraph" curated by Fatih Aydogdu & Ekmel Ertan (Artists: Deniz Yılmaz, Burak Arıkan, Günışığı Cihangir, Ali Miharbi, Zeynep Nal) by "terra incognita" initiated by Ezgi Bakçay, TÜYAP Book Fair, Istanbul
"if our roots are in the same earth, so our fruits will get together colorful" an action for amberPlatform, started by CI Istanbul, continious permanently installed at TU Istanbul | Garden
"Home" at "Ein Andres Land / An Other Country", VBKÖ Vienna
'No Need', MOMENT.MOVEMENT. Installation, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Austria
'State of Anxiety', when home won't let you stay, Installation, Die Angewandte| Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna, Curated byIsin Önol,[Catalogue]
'Kleinplastik', ‘Der Anfang ist Nah‘, 8 channel Sound Istallation, Wolfgangasse_Meidling, Vienna

KLEINPLASTIK,‘‘Der Anfang ist Nah‘ | 8-Channel_Sound-Installation;size is variable, 2015/16

S.O.S. – SOUNDS OF SUSTAINABILITY, Sound-Installation; two glass plates (100 X 200 cm), loudspeakers, Sound, Size Variable, 2014
'S.O.S. Sounds of Sustainability', SINOPALE 5 (TR). Soundinstallation [in cooperation with Ezgi Tok, Burak Kabadayi]
'Politics of Sound', Angewandte Talk,lecture, MQ Vienna
'Internal Affairs" Installation', ‘Learned Helpnessness' Muse Istanbul – Bergsen & Bergsen Gallery, Curated byIsin Önol
"Paratactic Commons – On The Search for Alternatives against the Autocrathic Systems trough Art & Creativity', Text for Version Art Magazine #3, Austria

INTERNAL AFFAIRS-Installation; Wooden Instrument, Sound, Drawings/ Ink on Paper, Size Variable, 2014; Photos:Andreas Nader
'Klavier ([un]translatable) (1984/1993/2011/2013)','About the House / Silence Turned Into Objects', Kirchstetten / Austria, A Project about W. H. Auden by Ricarda Denzer
'Iconic Turn','little bit of history deleting', GPL Contemporary Vienna, Curated by Isin Önol

ICONIC TURN- Ink on Paper (151 X 151 cm)
'paratactic commons',amber'12 Festival, Istanbul (TR), Curated by Ekmel Ertan & Fatih Aydogdu
'commons tense', Gallery HBKsaar, Academy of fine arts Saarbrücken (GER)
"Error - Title included", 'commons tense', Electriciteitsfabriek, Den Haag - in coopartion with TodaysArt Festiva| Den Haag & TRNL 400 (NL), project curators: Ekmel Ertan and Fatih Aydogdu (Catalogue)
"Diglossia", 'Metropolis', l'arteppes, espace d'art contemporain, Annecy (FR)

ERROR - Title Included, Installation
"Architextures II" – Zorlu Collection, curated by Basak Senova, Zorlu Center Istanbul, (Catalogue)
"Nomadic Encounters", 'Nomadic Art Camp', Tosor /Issyk Kul & Bishkek, Kyrgistan (Catalogue)
"Grenzpegel – From Where the Music Plays" Broadcast for OKTO TV, Oktofokus, Austria
"Grenzpegel" Creativity and Controversies of Migrant Music Scenes, Wien Bibliothek im Rathaus, Vienna, curated by Ruby Sircar & Fatih Aydogdu, 2010/2011 (Publication, "Creativity & Controversy - Migration, Music and Transnational Migrant Spaces, Pg. 496-501 in "Good Luck! Migration Today - Vienna, Belgrade, Zagreb, Istanbul)

Architextures II", Installation
“Diglossia”, Underdox Festival 05, Munic, Germany
"Das Unsichtichtbare an dem Sichtbaren / unvisibles at the visible"
Ankara-Viyana, Galeri Nev, Ankara, (Catalogue), (TR)
" L.A.L.E." Garten.Meidling - Art in Public Space, Vienna (A)
“Diglossia”; “Unplugged", Galeri Manzara, Perspectives,
Istanbul, (Catalogue), (TR)

unvisibles at the visible, 9 Drawings,
ink on paper, 9X(50X70 cm)
“Diglossia”; “Quelques images de la scène turque
contemporaine” Screening, Musée d'Art moderne et contemporain,
Strasbourg – France (November 2009), Curated by Frédéric
“Boundary Signal” Open Space - Zentrum für Kunstprojekte,
Vienna, curated by Fatih Aydogdu
„dig me out“ – „dirty tones“ – Galerie
Arteleku, Madrid (E), DVD, Katalog, curated by Maria José Belbel,
Rosa Reitsamer
"Bagdad Dub" “Urban Jalousy”, Belgrade, London,
“Urban Jalousy” Hafriyat, Istanbul, “Diglossia”;
Diagonale 08, Graz, “sanat benim oyun alan¦m – Art is my Playground“
Maçka Lunapark, Goethe Institut Istanbul, Diyarbak¦r Kültür
Merkezi (TR), CD – Central Garden Vienna, „Stay Here“
Varna Video Festival (BG), Video festival Giessen (GER), Video festival
Marburg (GER),Transfera, Madrid (E), "As all this happens",
Centro Huerte, Navarra (E), Bagdad Dub “Urban Jalousy” Berlin
“Diglossia”, Videoist, Istanbul Modern
“long time no see” – Musa /Vienna, Collection of Vienna
City, (Catalogue)
Diglossia, Video, 3:00', 2007, stage still
Sound lecture at “new migration, new politics”, Bilgi University,
“’Türk- und Jugo-Pop’: The Sound of... Migrantische
Musik und ihr Labeling durch die Popindustrie”, in Rosa Reitsamer,
Rupert Weinzierl (eds.), “Female Consequences”, Vienna: Löcker,
p. 93-101
“The Treaty Room” in Public Art Lower Austria, Vol. 8, Springer:
Wien/NewYork, p. 133-136
“Dirty Tones, You don’t care”, Soundscape at „Born
to be White”, “IG Bildende Kunst”, Vienna, (Insert in
Malmoe), (Catalogue/CD)
“The Treaty Room” at “State in Treaty”, Public
Art Lower Austria
“Laughing is the only existing real Opposition”, (Documentary,
57‘), Medienturm, Graz, at “The Bone of the Tongue , curated
by Fatih Aydogdu”, Diagonale 2005 (Catalogue)
“Transversal”, Video-Monitoring, Diagonale 2005, Graz
Laughing is the only existing real opposition, Documentary,
Video, 59:00', 2005, stills
“Stop/Play” Art in Public Space, Music School of Kufstein,
Tirol, (in cooperation with Ricarda Denzer), Architects: Riccione
“Speech II”, Soundscape at “Gastarbajteri”, Wien
Museum & Main Public Library of Vienna (Catalogue)
“Wr. Auktionismus” Vienna, Curated by Prinzgau/Podgorschek
„hat” at “Printed Matter”, Reading Room, Rotterdam,
“Cooperating RD”, Basis Wien at MQ Vienna
“Hear the Art”, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna
„Balkans” at “Apartman Projesi”, Neue Galerie,
“Unknown Stories”, short videos at “Televisions”,
Kunsthalle Wien
“Layers”, sound/video performance at “You are the World”,
at the Künstlerhaus in the context of “Wiener Festwochen”
Stop/Play, Art in Public Space, permanent installation,
Foyer of the Musicschool of Kufstein, 2004, (Aydogdu/Denzer)
“Speech”, soundscape at Aç¦k Radyo in “Radio
Gaygoni-a.g”, Istanbul
“Spherical Abberation” at Schmood: “Instant Island”,
Vienna (CD)
“No Signal” (in cooperation with Denzer, Gergely, and Zykan),
Windows at the Kunsthalle Wien
“Layers”, Stephen Gang Gallery, New York
“Speech I”, at “Kampfzone”, Vienna
“Cultural Remix” at Videorama, Malmoe Högskola/K3",
Malmoe, Sweden
“Scanned time” at “West-Eastern Divan”, MUSA,
Vienna (Catalogue)
“Cultural Remix” at “Zapping Zone” (Video), Gallery
Winter, Vienna
“Apartman Projesi – Shoeshop”, Istanbul
“Instant Living” at the Schmood, Vienna (CD)
“tekkniko” at. “Art, Music and Enviroment", Club
Shabu, Vienna
“Istanbul Gidis-Dönüs” (Roundtrip Istanbul), Borusan
Art Gallery, Istanbul (Catalogue)
“real people”, art-event at Brasilica, Vienna
“hat” Art Magazine, Istanbul: published by LeMan
“micro mint” (in cooperation with Tristan Thönissen)
sound performance at „Pulse”, Vienna

Architextures, "Concrete Visions", instalation,
1995, Istanbul, Anarat Higutyun School
“Personal Choice”, video project in cooperation with ´Klub
2”, Steirischer Herbst 97, Graz
“Short Cuts”, event “clubilluminationebarpermanent”
in cooperation with “Forumstadtpark in Berlin”
“Hybrid Translations”, CIS- Design Center Linz (Catalogue)
“Social Sculpture” Austrian Cultural Institute, New York
“Spin-Off-Space”, project: art club, New York
“Postponed Sequences” Video/Sound-Performance at “Künstler-House”,
Passagengalerie-Künstlerhaus, Vienna
“Kritik der Zynischen Vernunft” (Critique of cynical rationality),
at “Local TV” (in cooperation with F.E. Rakuschan), Depot
and different locations in Vienna
“Architextures” at “Concrete Visions – partial
curated by Fatih Aydogdu”, Anarat Higutyun School, Istanbul (in
the context of 4th Istanbul Biennale 95)
“The Negative Attitude or Para Lingua sur la Trista”, at “Living
Past”, Palais Lichtenstein, Feldkirch, Austria.
“Time Zones” (in cooperation with Ricarda Denzer), Gallerie
für Medienkunst, Innsbruck
“Architecture on Empty Space”, video documentation & installation
at the 5th Viennese Seminar of Architecture, Remise, Vienna

Performing Space, Installation on Stubniz (Aydogdu/Sandbichler)
“Permanent Extension”, at “Sanat Bulusma”, Museum
of Painting and Sculpture, Istanbul
“The Performing Space” at “Artificial Worlds”
(in cooperation with Peter Sandbichler), Stubnitz: Art-Space-Ship, Rostock
, Germany (Catalogue)
“Electronic Pictures”, Kunstwerk Vienna
“Visual Communications Laboratories”, Bosphorus University
“Public Livingroom”, Istanbul-Vienna
“Free-media mix”, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna (Catalogue)
“Scanned Time” at “Windows / Free-media mix studio”,
Vienna and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava
“Inhouse TV” (in cooperation with Adrian X / Irranzo / Loibner
/ Leitner), Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
“Open Radiospace” (in cooperation with Radiopirates and Hank
Bull), Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
Time Zones, installation
“Fluxus Art Gallery”, Lefkosia, Cyprus
“Rathaus Gallery”, St. Jacob / Tirol
“Out of Austria”, installation, University of Graz
“Hewlett Packard Center”, Vienna (Steinek selection)